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Перманентный макияж бровей - стоит ли делать?

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Is it worth doing permanent eyebrow makeup?
Many girls, spending hours in front of the mirror, think about what can be easily and simply improved in their appearance. Permanent eyebrow makeup, at first glance, may seem like an ideal option.

First of all, it is a fairly simple and affordable procedure.Secondly, you can make a permanent almost anywhere, because there are a lot of offers from different masters. 

But are there any pitfalls? What are the pros and cons of permanent eyebrow makeup? When is it better to refuse such a procedure and is it worth it? Let's try to answer these questions in more detail.Reasons to get eyebrow tattooing.

In general, permanent eyebrow tattooing can suit any girl if you choose the right type of such a procedure and trust a really qualified specialist. Therefore, the general answer is that permanent eyebrows are worth doing. In some situations, a permanent can be a particularly good find. First of all, it is worth making permanent eyebrows for those who:

  • suffers from allergies to cosmetics, whose skin begins to redden, get covered with rashes or peel off when applying makeup. According to allergologists, an allergic reaction to the components of decorative cosmetics is a very common problem. Manufacturers add a variety of chemical components to their products, which are allergens and can provoke the occurrence of pronounced irritation. With severe allergies, the skin can react to cosmetics not only with itching and discomfort, but also with the appearance of acne and ulcers. Permanent eyebrow tattooing will help you forget about allergies to cosmetics forever. After all, thanks to this procedure, the eyebrows will always be perfect, as if freshly tinted with a pencil or powdered with eyeshadow;
  • always wants to look 100%. If you just imagine the appearance of attractive, penciled eyebrows after swimming in the pool or relaxing on the beach, it becomes uncomfortable. Therefore, many girls with imperfect eyebrows are forced to carry a mirror and a makeup bag with an emergency kit everywhere to get themselves in proper shape. Therefore, it is worth doing permanent eyebrow makeup for those who want to always enjoy their reflection. Thanks to this procedure, the eyebrows will always be well-groomed and attractive, they will not need eyeliner or tinting. With permanent makeup, you can freely visit the bathhouse, train in the gym and relax in nature without worrying about your appearance. All eyebrow care will consist only of periodic plucking of regrown hairs that may appear outside the main shape. Of course, such a procedure will only take about 5 minutes, and it should be carried out quite rarely. An absolute trifle when compared to the need to control your make-up all the time and regularly apply makeup. Therefore, girls who lead an active lifestyle should definitely make a permanent eyebrow;
  • does not know how to use cosmetics in order to make up his eyebrows on his own. As practice shows, many girls walk around with rather mediocre eyebrows not because they are satisfied with such an appearance, but because they simply do not know from which side to approach eyeshadow or eyebrow pencil. After all, in order to look attractive, you need to choose the right cosmetics and know how to use them. And in this situation, it is definitely worth making permanent eyebrows. An experienced master knows how to choose the shape of the eyebrows that will perfectly suit a particular person. The specialist will also select a harmonious color;
  • has unattractive eyebrows with bald spots, asymmetry, or chaotic hair growth. Sometimes such defects can be masked with cosmetics. But no one wants to constantly look in the mirror and worry about the durability of makeup. PM eyebrows will help to correct imperfect eyebrows and will allow you to feel confident always, in any situation;
  • wants to save time and nerve cells on applying makeup every morning. Think about how much time it takes to tidy up your eyebrows every day. At the same time, you need to make sure that they turn out to be the same shape and color. Yes, this activity requires at least 20 minutes of time every day. And if you try to put on eyebrow makeup while being late for a date or work, they are guaranteed not to work out the first time - the notorious "law of meanness". As a result, instead of beautiful eyebrows and a good mood, you get a lot of stress. Permanent eyebrow makeup will help you forget about the need for a make-up every morning. You get out of bed and look perfect. It's worth it!
  • wants to save a lot of money. At first glance, it seems that an eyebrow makeup pencil is quite inexpensive. But those who tint their eyebrows regularly know that great makeup can't be cheap. And one more pencil is not enough. Perfect eyebrows require eyeshadow, excellent gel eyeliner, and special brushes. And to eliminate make-up, you also need a special face wash every evening. With daily use, the cosmetics last for about six months, respectively, the amount as a result becomes quite round, which is another argument "for" permanent eyebrows.

Permanent eyebrow makeup is quite an affordable procedure. The work of a professional in the salon does not cost fabulous money. And the effect lasts for a long time - about 2 years. Imagine, all this time you will not have to spend money on eyebrow cosmetics. The savings are becoming apparent. And the last argument in favor of permanent eyebrow makeup is fashion. Beautiful, well-groomed eyebrows are now at the peak of popularity. If you want to stay in trend, go to a professional master of permanent eyebrow makeup!

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