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Home/Articles and tips/Permanent Makeup. BEFORE and AFTER Tips

Rules for caring for permanent makeup

During the procedure of applying permanent makeup, the skin is injured, so redness and swelling may appear on the skin after the permanent, this is a normal reaction of the body. To alleviate the symptoms, it is necessary to treat the skin with dabbing movements with a cotton pad moistened with chlorhexidine, this procedure should be repeated every two hours of the first day after permanent makeup until bedtime.

Chlorhexidine has antiseptic properties, eliminates itching and pain. The first night after permanent makeup, it is better to sleep on your back to avoid skin contact with the bed linen. It is also highly undesirable to touch the surface of the injured skin with your hands and wet it with water. For a couple of weeks, you will have to give up visiting the solarium, sauna, swimming pool and fitness center.  In winter, try to protect your skin from chapping and freezing temperatures, and if possible, spend the day at home. Wash your face with caution, avoiding areas with permanent makeup. Do not apply make-up to the permanent makeup area until it is completely healed.

Preparation for permanent make-up

  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours before the procedure (alcohol provokes unstable blood pressure and thins the blood)
  • Avoid energy drinks 12 hours before the procedure (coffee, Coca-Cola, energy drinks, they dilate blood vessels, and this can increase bleeding during a traumatic procedure)
  • Do not take blood thinners (Cardiomagnyl, Egitromb, Curantil, Deplatt, Trental, Acetylsalicylic acid, Fraxiparin), antibiotics, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, anti-inflammatory, retinoids are also prohibited. These drugs can worsen the quality of the result and lead to edema.

  • If you are allergic, take your usual antihistamines to minimize the possibility of an allergic reaction and swelling

  • Two weeks before the procedure, it is undesirable to perform peelings, injections, facial cleansing, contouring, lip augmentation, it is better to do the same after the final correction of permanent makeup

  • For permanent eyes, remove eyelash extensions 1-2 days before the permanent makeup procedure or schedule this procedure after the permanent has completely healed, the same applies to lash lamination and any other cosmetic procedures in this area. If you wear contact lenses, replace them with glasses for a while (take them with you on the day of your permanent eyelid makeup procedure)

  • If you are a carrier of the herpes virus, start a course of acyclovir orally two to three days before the permanent lip makeup procedure.


  • There are absolute and relative contraindications to permanent makeup.

  • Absolute contraindications (the procedure is completely contraindicated):

  • Type I diabetes mellitus

  • Low blood clotting (hemophilia)

  • Acute inflammatory diseases

  • Keloid scars

  • Immune system disorders, AIDS, HIV, hepatitis

  • Mental disorders, e.g. epilepsy

  • Alcohol or drug intoxication

  • Asthma and severe allergies (including anesthesia)

  • Oncology

  • Psoriasis, eczema, skin diseases

  • Relative contraindications (the procedure is temporarily contraindicated):

  • Menstrual period

  • Inflammatory skin diseases (acne), dermatitis in the area of permanent make-up,

  • Nevi, warts and papillomas in the area of permanent makeup

  • Previously injected fillers in the permanent make-up area

  • High blood pressure. If you are hypertensive, take a blood pressure lowering medication before the procedure.

  • Pregnancy and lactation

  • Low pain threshold

  • The herpes virus is in the exacerbation stage. In this case, the permanent can be made only after the formations have completely healed. If you have cold sores on your lips, then permanent makeup can be done three to four weeks after recovery.

  • Previous plastic surgery or subcutaneous infiltrations in the recovery stage (1 to 6 months).

  • Peeling with chemicals.

  • Colds or acute respiratory infections.

  • Allergy to the components of the products used in the procedure.

  • Conjunctivitis.

It should be noted that the procedure is also not carried out for persons who have not reached the age of majority!

It is advisable to postpone the permanent make-up procedure if you are planning a trip to the resort in the near future (it is optimal to do it after your vacation or in advance of departure).

Stages of Healing by Day

Day 1

After the permanent make-up procedure, there is a blood on the eyebrows, which should be blotted every two hours with a cotton pad moistened with chlorhexidine.

There may be discomfort in the area of permanent makeup, burning, tightness. This is a normal reaction of the body. Just in the first days, do not touch your face with your hands, do not allow water to get into the area of the permanent. 

Day 2

When you wake up in the morning, you'll notice that the permanent has become noticeably darker, the shade has become brighter with signs of redness. Do not be alarmed, the discoloration is associated with lymph accumulated overnight, a slight inflammation of the skin. This is the norm, it is necessary to adhere to the same rules in processing as on the first day.

Day 3

On the third day, crusts appear, the color may become uneven due to the fact that some crusts have already formed, and partly not. At this stage, it is necessary to wait until the crusts are finally formed and fall off on their own. We continue to take care of it with the use of an antiseptic.

Day 4 to Day 7

The crusts begin to fall off, the itching intensifies. As a rule, the process of convergence of crusts is uneven, and looking at the areas where the crusts are no longer there, the client often panics, because the color seems very pale. On these days, regret about performing the procedure comes most often (psychologically, everyone goes through this stage of acceptance). On these days, try to maintain a positive attitude to what is happening, and a stick soaked in chlorhexidine will help to physically relieve itching, it can be lightly walked with light pressure movements on the permanent zone.

Week Two

Usually, by the second week, the crusts have disappeared, the permanent seems faint in color, but the shape is already visible. After the skin is fully adapted, the immune system will work on the pigment and gradually begin to show the desired shade. This period also requires patience, because the final result can be assessed only closer to a month after the procedure. But there is a pleasant moment, because as soon as all the crusts have come to naught, you can safely wash your face with running water.

Third to Fourth Weeks

By this time, the pigment is finally worked out by the immune system, or, as the masters say, it is laid in the skin, and it is already possible to assess the color and shape of permanent makeup.

It should be emphasized that the result of permanent makeup is largely influenced by proper care, so do not neglect the recommendations of the master for caring for your makeup.

It is also worth noting that this procedure is complex and takes place in two stages.

The first procedure is a kind of acquaintance with the client's skin. After all, each client is unique (skin type, color, features of the body's immune system, hormonal background and other factors that affect the survival rate of pigment in the skin)

The need for correction is primarily due to the fact that the skin, as a living organ, can reject more pigment in some areas, and less in others, secondly, often the client asks to add color and saturation or create a more powdery effect, often the client asks to add several hairs at the correction stage (hair technique).

The cost of the correction procedure is 50% of the cost of the main procedure.

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